Complaints Policy


MP Skills is committed to providing a high-quality service and achieving the highest standards of conduct. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our customers. MP Skills, through this policy, ensure that all complaints are handled in an open, timely and consistent manner.


Scope of Policy

This policy covers complaints from:

  • apprentices
  • candidates
  • employers
  • all other parties who interact with MP Skills


This policy does not cover Appeals in relation to assessment decision made by MP Skills and/or its personnel. Such matters are covered by the MP Skills’ Appeal Policy and Procedures.


Purpose of Policy

The policy is created so that making a complaint is easy as possible by ensuring that MP Skills:

  • treats a complaint as any clear expression of dissatisfaction
  • treats the complaint seriously
  • deals with it promptly, politely and, where appropriate, informally (for example, by telephone)
  • responds in an appropriate way - for example, with an explanation, or an apology when things have gone wrong
  • learns from complaints, uses them to improve services, and ensures that all complaints and the outcomes are recorded on the master register
  • does not disclose information if to do so would breach a duty of confidentiality or any other legal duty
  • facilitates early resolution


Meaning of Complaint

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction about MP Skills’ services; products; action or lack of action; or the complaints handling process.


Examples of Complaints

The following list serves to provide examples:

  • conversations/communication with MP Skills which do not meet your expectations
  • poor/difficult relationships with the MP Skills’ personnel affecting delivery or assessment
  • evidence that we are not meeting our Customer Service standards
  • incorrect or confusing communication or advice
  • the behaviour of another candidate
  • the facilities or training/assessment venue
  • misinformation about your course/training/apprenticeship




How to make a complaint

Our Complaints policy can also be found signposted and online at Privacy Notice and describes the process outlined below.


All formal complaints must be submitted, in writing (letter or email), addressed to:


Business Manager

MP Skills

MP House

4a Meadowbank Way



NG16 3SB

Email: [email protected]


When submitting a complaint please include the following information:

  • your name, address and contact details
  • full details of your complaint i.e. what; when and where it happened
  • any information or evidence that supports the complaint
  • your expectations in terms of a resolution


If the complaint involves an allegation of maladministration or malpractice, please refer to MP Skills’ Maladministration or Malpractice Policy.


MP Skills will only investigate complaints from anonymous sources only where there is sufficient detail provided to identify the issue/concern, individual, organisation involved and the service/product implicated in the complaint. However, you are advised that your details may be disclosed to the third party as part of MP Skills’ investigation process. MP Skills will not investigate complaints involving a third party without this process being understood.



What Happens Next?


Stage 1

MP Skills Business Manager will acknowledge your complaint within 10 working days from when the complaint is received.


You will be informed of the name of the person who is investigating the complaint.


It is MP Skills aim to resolve complaints within 28 working days; however, if further information needs to be gathered, we will provide an interim response to let you know what is being done to deal with your complaint, when you can expect the full response and from whom.


The complaint will be recorded on a complaint/incident form.


Stage 2 – Centre Escalation

If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you can request a further review of the complaint within 10 working days of the date of the decision letter. Your request will be referred to MP Skills General Manager who will not have been involved in the original complaint or its response to complete the review. However, MP Skills will only carry out a review if there is a clear reason/s for making the request and areas of concern.


Stage 3 – Independent Escalation

If you are still not satisfied with the response to your complaint, you can request a further review of it within 10 working days of the date of the decision letter. Your request will be referred to the Awarding Body (for regulated qualifications) or the MPQC CEO (for other products) who will undertake an independent review of the complaint, supporting evidence and any documentation related to the previous stages.


They will only carry out a review if there is a clear reason/s for making the request and areas of concern. The reasons must relate only to the way that the complaint has or has not been investigated and not the detail of the complaint itself.


The Awarding Body or MPQC CEO (as appropriate) will provide an outcome within 28 working days of receipt of the further request.


Stage 4 – Escalation to ESFA or Other Regulator

When stages 1 - 3 have been exhausted candidates have the right to escalate a complaint to the respective regulatory body as detailed in appendix 1. These bodies will require that Stages 1-3 have been followed before proceeding.


Stage 4

Referral to ESFA or Other Regulator

Programme Type and Regulator


Contact Details

Postal Address




[email protected]

Customer Service Team, Education and Skills Funding Agency, Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road, Coventry, CV1 2WT



MP Awards

[email protected]

General Manager, MP Awards, MP House, 4a Meadowbank Way, Eastwood,

Nottingham, NG16 3SB

Scottish Modern Apprentice



SQA Accreditation

SQA Accreditation - Complaint Form


SQA Accreditation, The Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow
G2 8DQ


Driver CPC course


Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training

[email protected]


9 Warren Yard, Warren Park, Stratford Road, Milton Keynes, MK12 5NW

Mineral Sector Safety Passport


Safety Pass Alliance



[email protected]


Unit 3
The Court
Holywell Business Park
Northfield Road
Warks CV47 0FS



Institution of Occupational Health and Safety

+44 (0) 116 2573100



The Grange

Highfield Drive



LE18 1NN



Mental Health First Aid

[email protected].

0203 928 0760 (option 1)

MHFA England
4th Floor
21 Prescot Street
E1 8BB


Receipt of Complaint

Complaint received either by email or letter

MP Skills Business manager acknowledges receipt of complaint within 10 working days of receipt

MP Skills Business Manager investigates complaint

MP Skills completes complaints/incident form



Dealing with Complaint

Stage 1-MP Skills Business Manager responds to complaint after investigating within 28 days of receiving complaint


Stage 2-If unsatisfied with response, complaint escalated to MP Skills General Manager within 10 days of receiving decision who will respond within 28 days.


Stage 3-If still unsatisfied, complaint escalated to Awarding Body or MPQC CEO within 10 days of receiving decision, who will then respond within 28 days


Stage 4-Escalation to Regulator or ESFA. When stages 1 - 3 have been exhausted a complaint can be taken to the relevant regulatory body, as detailed in the Stage 4 table above.


MP Skills Course/Training/Assessment/Apprenticeship Guarantee

If you have a concern, do not hesitate to raise it. We would like to hear from you as early as possible to resolve the problem and to put things right for the future.

We welcome your views and suggestions. We will monitor all comments and complaints, treat them seriously and follow our procedures and timescales. We will always endeavour to continuously improve our service.


If as a result of the complaint, MP Skills identifies a failure in any of the services, products, policies or procedures, all reasonable steps will be taken to:

  • identify others which may also be similarly affected
  • correct the failure or put in place actions to mitigate as far as possible the effect of the failure
  • put in place arrangements to ensure that the failure does not recur in the future
  • notify all relevant stakeholders of any changes that may affect them and why


Complaint where service is covered/accredited by third party

If complainant remains unsatisfied and have received one of the services shown in the Stage 4 table, they may send their complaint as listed.


Data Protection

The information provided will be processed in accordance with data protection principles as set out in the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations (2018). The information provided will not be used for any other purpose.


Policy Review Arrangements

MP Skills will review this policy as part of the normal continuous improvement process and revise it as appropriate and/or in response to changes in legislation, regulation, practices, actions from incidents or in response to customer or key stakeholder feedback.


Document Ref No:



July 2024


14 – Changes: Branding and Format.

Approved by:

MPQC General Manager of MP Skills

Review Date:

July 2025


Head Office:

Mineral Products Qualifications Council, National Stone Centre, Porter Lane, Wirksworth, Matlock, DE4 4LS

0115 983 5755

©MPQC 2024


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